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Showing posts from 2017

Superpowers are REAL! Demonstration of Telekinesis, Moving Coconuts with our MINDS

My Guru, Sri Paramahamsa Nithyananda (also called Swamiji) is also the Guru of the famous Yogamaatha, known internationally as the child prodigy in a video that went viral, "Girl Demonstrates Cool Superpower - Third Eye." Now, Swamiji is initiating all of us into many, many, many more Superpowers! The way Yogamaatha reads with her eyes closed, and the way we telekinetically move coconuts, is just the beginning. You may wonder why we care about these powers, or maybe you think they're a distraction... actually, they are like signposts that tell us we're on the right track! Swamiji is an Avatar, or physical form, of Sadashiva, the Generator, Operator, Destroyer, Lord of Delusion and Lord of Liberation. When a power is manifested into us as a blessing from Swamiji, it's not a "siddhi," or a power we struggle for and earn by our own action; it's a "Shakti," a divine expression awakened through Oneness and enlightenment. Subscribe and stay tu...

Walked For The First Time After 8 Years - only my master can do this

Nithyanandam,  Believe or not!!! Today I am not going to talk about me, my experiences and my beliefs. But I am going to talk about my mother-in-law. She is walking  after 8 years, this is a very long time of suffering as as hell for a back bone injured, can you imagine this ?but yes she has got back injury.And when we met Swamiji, He promised  that she will walk in next 21 days and  this happened. it's really great, you can't even imagine this..... she is walking without any help she is standing out of wheelchair.  Swamiji also promised that today we will walk without any support without any support  and can  be happen only if you are so powerful a  person with  Superhuman abilities. Thank you.

YOU RAISE ME UP :My respect and regards to a super human Sri Nithyananda swamiji

Nithyanandam,  This video is my tribute to Sri Nityananda Swami, well-known teacher  of projec Hindu tredition. He initiated his desciple  in their third eye with super powers with cognition. He also help people in their dreams whenever they need to talking. In my personal experience I have also many time dreamt  him and got guidance .So I suggest all of you to go through Swamiji's youtube videos for  spiritual awakening, super powerful life of third eye.

Inner Awakening Forced on Me - Inner Awakening Sharing.

I am really grateful to my grandmother that she came with me and made me a part of inner awakening.... I was trying to build a business with my father and after coming here I got so many contacts for my business,  everybody here is very helpful. Even Swamiji always try to help me. After coming here I realised that I must really suggest everyone to  come atleast one time and join inner awakening program. Here you will get your awakened third eye and many other powers that are defined in Agmas and traditional Hindu culture. Nithyanandam.


This video is about third eye meditation.  Before meditating I would like to let you know what is third eye and how it can help you in your regular life . The third eye is a natural 'PART' of every person. One way to think of it as major organ that consists of your mind and all of your senses working together as a larger, more powerful sensory organ. The third eye is a very clever with of natural evolution that allows you to see the pattern in your life even more amazing, your third eye can review these patterns to you by overlaying this information on top of your other senses.As a sense, your third eye  can be used in many different ways.' SEERS ' use their third eye to understand hidden connection and answer questions. energy workers 'feel' the energy around them and then consciously and manipulate that energy. And every time you have empathy you are using your third  eye to touch and 'FEEL'  the emotion of beloved ones. many other example exist ...


see that you have your own expectations and ideas of how things should be. You are afraid to receive life with open arms. Can you put conditions on how the weather should be tomorrow? No! Then why do you put conditions on how the 'weather' at home, the mood of your wife or child, should be? Understand, there are two things that we can do. One is collecting the data, making the argument, and making a judgment. The second is forming a jdgment and then collecting arguments to support that judgement.  Most of the time we have already formed the judgment and then we pay attention only to those incidents that support our judgment.  For example, you have formed an opinion of your husband or wife. By now you know what your husband will say if you ask him to come shopping with you. By now you know what your wife will say if you ask her to join you in watching the Sunday football match. Based on just these few incidents, you would have made so many more judgements about ...

be your own boss

If you're still recovering from Monday blues at work, it's time to change your job... and your boss!! Be your own boss - an extraordinary leadership workshop ha ppening this weekend with living Avatar, Sri Nithyananda Swami. An Avatar's words not only empowers you with the right knowledge, it also gives you a powerful experience of the truth. Rewire your experience of "work" with this potent workshop (also offered online at 2-way centers).
What you cherish in your secret heart chambers, is the blue print of your life. If you cherish one-life, one-god, that is going to be the blueprint of your lif e. If you cherish Infinity-infinity, that God is not one but oneness; multiple lives - that is going to be the blueprint of your life. When you understand Infinity-infinity is NOW, your truth has become reality!"


Generally, all your thoughts are related to something about the past or the future. You cannot have thoughts about the present. In the present moment, you can have only consciousness, no thoughts. Thoughts are either related to some joyful experience that you had in the past and want to have in the future, or painful experiences that you had in the past and don't want to have again.


If you are sitting in the hall and you know that the hall is open and you know you can leave at any time, you will be alive, fresh and joyful. Suddenly, if you get the information that the hall is locked and you cannot leave, will you be able to sit comfortably? No. Any rule curbs our freedom, reduces the energy. Any regulation brings your energy down. Even in your house, if somebody says 'Do not sit in that place', you will feel like sitting only in that place. But until that rule is made you will never even bother to sit there .


From this morning's alive satsang... What you cherish in your secret heart chambers is the blueprint of your life.   If you cherish one life, one God, that is going to be the blueprint of your life. If you cherish Infinity-Infinity - God is not one, Oneness, that is going to be the blueprint of your life. If you understand Infinity-Infinity cannot be far away, it is immediate, your blueprint has be come Reality. Infinity-one length dimension is just blue print of your life, you cherish. If you cherish Infinity-Infinity, multiple lives and Oneness is God, Infinity-Infinity, then your blueprint has gold border. When you understand Infinity-Infinity is immediate, you don't even need a blueprint, your truth has become Reality. It is already Real! Making Infinity-Infinity into immediate is My purpose of happening, in your life. I am born for humanity but I am happening for human beings. ~ Sri Nithyananda Swami (paraphrased)


In every action, bring Authenticity. If you are breathing up to your chest, if your inhaling and exhaling is happening up to the chest level, bring Authenticity. Make it up to the Mooladhara! Then bring more Authenticity, make it up to knee level! If you can do six Suryanamaskars, bring Authenticity, make it into twelve! If you are able to handle 5 kg dumbbells, bring Authenticity, make it into 8. You are not going to die, by making 5 into 8! Anybody thinks you are going to die? If you think, because you think you may die; not because of the dumbbell! Because of your thinking you may die, not because of the dumbbell itself! Expand! Expand! Expand!'

Power of 3rd Eye - best gift for your children this vacation

Inner awakening program is the best gift you can give to your children .You can give your children the lifestyle of abundance and  the life full of possibilities.In this video you can see a child reading and playing blind fold. This will blow your mind that how much you can progress your children.                                                                                        for more details visit our website

Third Eye Power: The Ability to Will

Nithyanandam,  The best thing you can do for you and the world is to manifest your desires,your happiness. your will. Listen carefully when you decide that no one can deny your will this called enlightenment. You just need to understand the science of enlightenment, the science of being, the science of happiness. So I request you to manifest sadasiva within you. manifest your will.  You do not need to search it outside  because you have it.  manifest it better use it there is no one can deny your will. for more details visit: