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This video is about third eye meditation. 
Before meditating I would like to let you know what is third eye and how it can help you in your regular life .
The third eye is a natural 'PART' of every person. One way to think of it as major organ that consists of your mind and all of your senses working together as a larger, more powerful sensory organ. The third eye is a very clever with of natural evolution that allows you to see the pattern in your life even more amazing, your third eye can review these patterns to you by overlaying this information on top of your other senses.As a sense, your third eye  can be used in many different ways.' SEERS' use their third eye to understand hidden connection and answer questions. energy workers 'feel' the energy around them and then consciously and manipulate that energy. And every time you have empathy you are using your third  eye to touch and 'FEEL' the emotion of beloved ones. many other example exist for how people use third eye. So watch this video and meditate on it, this way you can activate your third eye.
Thank you, nithyanandam.


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