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Superpowers are REAL! Demonstration of Telekinesis, Moving Coconuts with our MINDS

My Guru, Sri Paramahamsa Nithyananda (also called Swamiji) is also the Guru of the famous Yogamaatha, known internationally as the child prodigy in a video that went viral, "Girl Demonstrates Cool Superpower - Third Eye." Now, Swamiji is initiating all of us into many, many, many more Superpowers! The way Yogamaatha reads with her eyes closed, and the way we telekinetically move coconuts, is just the beginning. You may wonder why we care about these powers, or maybe you think they're a distraction... actually, they are like signposts that tell us we're on the right track! Swamiji is an Avatar, or physical form, of Sadashiva, the Generator, Operator, Destroyer, Lord of Delusion and Lord of Liberation. When a power is manifested into us as a blessing from Swamiji, it's not a "siddhi," or a power we struggle for and earn by our own action; it's a "Shakti," a divine expression awakened through Oneness and enlightenment. Subscribe and stay tuned.... there's much more to come!

Hear some of my friends share their own experiences with this:

If you want to get initiated into doing this yourself, come attend the same program Yogamaatha, many others, and I, all attended, Inner Awakening:


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